Dragon-Line patented technology combines the efficiency of surface drip irrigation with the flexibility and economics of mechanized irrigation systems. Dragon-Line is the orange drip-line tubing co-extruded from a blend of high quality PE resin. The pressure compensating emitters are continuously self-flushing, welded to the internal wall of the drip-line, and fully operational at 8 PSI. As Dragon-Line is pulled behind the system, the emitters deliver a uniform water pattern across the full length of the irrigated area.

What is Dragon-Line?
One Crate,
Ready to Install
Everything needed is pre-cut and assembled for quick installation, with an easy-to-read manual. Ready to ship world-wide from Kansas, USA.

Making Every Drop of Water Count
Dragon-Line applies water and fertilizer directly and precisely to the soil, reducing evaporation, soil compaction, wind drift and wheel tracks.
Reduce water use by 20-50% and cut labor costs.
Work with our team to get a system perfect for your specific situation.

How to Order
Contact us to speak with a Dragon-Line Representative today!
Phone (844) 424-3724
Email montyt@dragonline.net
Or fill out an online form here!